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Towards the integration of ICT in language learning and teaching : reflection (e-Estudis Filològics, Band 1) - Ruiz Madrid, Noelia . . . [et al. ]
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Towards the integration of ICT in language learning and teaching : reflection (e-Estudis Filològics, Band 1) - Pasta blanda

2006, ISBN: 9788480215480

Universitat Jaume I. Servei de Comunicació i Publicacions, Taschenbuch, Auflage: Las tecnologías de la información y de la comunicación se han convertido en absolutamente necesarias en la… Más…

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Towards the integration of ICT in language learning and teaching : reflection - libro nuevo

ISBN: 9788480215480

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is a thriving area of study in applied linguistics both with regard to research and to practical application. The aim of this electronic boo… Más…

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Towards the integration of ICT in language learning and teaching: refl
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Towards the integration of ICT in language learning and teaching: refl - libro nuevo

ISBN: 9788480215480

Las tecnologías de la información y de la comunicación se han convertido en absolutamente necesarias en la lingüística aplicada, tanto en lo que se refiere a la investigación, como a la p… Más…

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Towards the integration of ICT in language learning and teaching: reflection - Pasta blanda

2006, ISBN: 8480215488

[EAN: 9788480215480], Libro nuevo, [SC: 2.6], [PU: Universitat Jaume I], Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is a thriving area of study in applied linguistics both with regard… Más…

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Towards the integration of ICT in language learning and teaching: reflection
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Towards the integration of ICT in language learning and teaching: reflection - libro nuevo

ISBN: 9788480215480

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Detalles del libro
Towards the integration of ICT in language learning and teaching : reflection (e-Estudis Filològics, Band 1)

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is a thriving area of study in applied linguistics both with regard to research and to practical application. The aim of this electronic book is to give examples of how to bridge the gap between the pedagogical reflections arising in response to the vertiginous development of ICT and its application in such a heterogeneous context as the teaching and learning of languages

Detalles del libro - Towards the integration of ICT in language learning and teaching : reflection (e-Estudis Filològics, Band 1)

EAN (ISBN-13): 9788480215480
ISBN (ISBN-10): 8480215488
Tapa blanda
Año de publicación: 2006
Editorial: Universitat Jaume I. Servei de Comunicació i Publicacions
Idioma: spa/Spanisch

Libro en la base de datos desde 2008-08-03T09:06:01-05:00 (Mexico City)
Libro encontrado por última vez el 2024-11-16T14:18:21-06:00 (Mexico City)
ISBN/EAN: 9788480215480

ISBN - escritura alterna:
84-8021-548-8, 978-84-8021-548-0
Mode alterno de escritura y términos de búsqueda relacionados:
Autor del libro: sanz
Título del libro: lea, beyond language teaching, another language, reflection, integration

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